Vorig jaar rond deze tijd stond als Daring Bakers Uitdaging een perfect party cake op het programma; en aangezien ik in maart verjaar, had ik foutief het idee dat dé taart ook dit jaar weer check zou zijn. Maar deze maand moesten we een lasagne maken... wat dan ook aanvankelijk op enige weerzin bij mij stuitte (lasagne?dat is toch geen bakken?!), maar onwillig als ik was, had ik er geen idee van dat met deze uitdaging hét recept voor ragú zou komen plús een heerlijk diner voor twee, drie dagen op rij. Waarvoor dank, dank, dank, oh Enza (van Io Da Grande), Melinda (van Melbourne Larder) en Mary (van Beans and Caviar).
The March 2009 challenge is hosted by Mary of Beans and Caviar, Melinda of Melbourne Larder and Enza of Io Da Grande. They have chosen Lasagne of Emilia-Romagna from The Splendid Table by Lynne Rossetto Kasper as the challenge. At first I was a wee bit disappointed, because I was secretly hoping for another smashing birthday cake (like last year's Perfect Party Cake), but this recipe has proven me wrong for feeling this was. Especially the fántástic meat sauce is a keeper!
The March 2009 challenge is hosted by Mary of Beans and Caviar, Melinda of Melbourne Larder and Enza of Io Da Grande. They have chosen Lasagne of Emilia-Romagna from The Splendid Table by Lynne Rossetto Kasper as the challenge. At first I was a wee bit disappointed, because I was secretly hoping for another smashing birthday cake (like last year's Perfect Party Cake), but this recipe has proven me wrong for feeling this was. Especially the fántástic meat sauce is a keeper!
De boodschappenlijst voor de vleessaus (ragú) is er nogal één: pancetta (of ontbijtspek), diverse groente, kalfsvlees, varkens- vlees, Parmaham, rundsvlees, rode wijn, (verse) bouillon, melk (?) en blikken gepelde tomaten. Bij de keurslager hoop ik uit te vogelen wat 'beef skirt steak, hanging tender' voor stuk vlees is, maar de man geeft tot zijn eigen grote ongenoegen forfait en ik koop als alternatief rundergehakt.
Such an extensive grocery list for the meat sauce. I am unable to translate 'beef skirt steak, hanging tender' and even the butcher doesn't know what kind of meat it is, so I just buy ground beef instead, which works just fine.
I follow the ragú recipe to a tee and this results in a wonderfully smelling kitchen. A quick taste proves that this sauce is just scrumptious!! And that without adding any herbs! Unbelievable! An instant classic.
My darling boyfriend goes about kneading the pasta dough, for which I am thankful. He adds more eggs, because he insists on 1 egg per 100g flower. We both prefer the pasta machine to rolling out the sheets with a rolling pin and this makes the pasta of a more even color green. The béchamel sauce is easy enough, so I can now build my lasagna; in as big a dish as I can find.
Eindigend met béchamelsaus en afgetopt met een serieuze hoe- veelheid geraspte kaas. Ongeveer driekwartier moet de schotel de hete oven in, terwijl A en ik wellustig de ragúpan schoonlikken. Zélf zou ik zeker weten óók kaas door de béchamelsaus hebben geroerd, maar bij deze DB uitdaging was het juist de bedoeling dit niet te doen, zodat alle pure smaken een “vivid expression of the ‘less is more’ philosophy of cooking” zijn. Slechts dunne films van béchamelsaus en vleesragú bedekken de dunste spinaziepasta en niets meer. “Baking performs the final marriage of flavours. Thus makeing the result splendid.” Kijk, dan dúrf ik gewoon geen kaas meer door de saus te roeren en dat dééd ik dus ook niet...
The lasagna bakes for about threequarters of an hour. Me and my love meanwhile clean out the ragú pan with our fingers (it is just súch a lovely sauce)! The recipe clearly states that “less is more” and I feel that it is almost forbidden to add extra cheese to the bèchamel, so I don't. But if it were up to me, I wóuld have!
Thus making for three evenings stressfree dining (What are we having for diner tonight? Lasagna! Again? Mjam!) There almost was enough pasta dough for a second lasagna dish and making more béchamel wouldn't have been a problem at all, so I shóuld have made dubble the amount of ragú. Then I would have six (!) stressfree diners (or: less than six, plús a freezer filled with lasagna pleasure). The only pity was the total absence of a crunchy cheese layer on top, making this lasagna suitable for even the less teethed...
I love a crunchy layer on top too - you could always broil it at the end. But be careful you don't burn it!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow cool that your boyfriend helped you - that's the best! And freezing some for later is always a good idea!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSounds like you really enjoy your lasagna. Well done.
Very well done! Your lasagne look delicious!
Actually, I have a good camera, but my photos are extremely bland, not sharp, and amateur, especially when you compare them to most other blogger photos! However, I appreciate your compliment! I need a lot more equipment, a lot more light or natural light in general, and most importantly, alot more learning! lol
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHaving said all that, your lasagne turned out lovely, and it looks delicious! Fantastic job!
Applause!! You did it! I really should have made it, I was so happy with this challenge, had all the ingredients ready but I shied away, too much going on right now (all positive but still).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLooking so good!
Lovely challenge wasn't it? Your lasagne looks great
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOoo your lasagna looks great, and the pasta looks so smooth and perfect! Way to go, and I like the basil garnish! Yay for Daring Bakers, isn't it fun to bake in groups?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's good to have a kneading partner, I agree :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat job on the lasagne!